Tue, 2022-07-05
وقعت شركة تسوشو جمجوم للتجارة الموزع الحصري لشاحنات هينو اليابانية فى المملكة العربية السعودية وش ...
Wed, 2022-06-08
وقعت شركة مجموعة أعمال البسامي الدولية اتفاقية مع شركة تسوشو جمجوم التجارية لتوريد كمية كبيرة من ش ...
Thu, 2021-11-04
تم بحمدالله وشكره في يوم الاثنين, 26 ربيع الاول لعام 1443هـ الموافق 1 نوفمبر 2021 توقيع عقد شراكه بين كلا ...
Thu, 2020-07-09
تعتبرشركة الخطوط الخضراء للنقل من شركات الخدمات اللوجستية والنقل المعروفة في المملكة العربية الس ...
Sun, 2020-05-10
As the world watches the spread of COVID-19 global pandemic, we come together to address the crisis and emerge stronger than before with our high priority focused on the safety of ...
Fri, 2020-05-08
Dear Hino Customers, RAMADAN MUBARAK! رمضان مبارك! These are unprecedented times that have drastically changed our ...
Wed, 2020-04-08
Hino Supports MayarFoods growth in supplying Rice and essential goods Kingdom wide. Mayar Foods is one of the largest FMCG companies in the Saudi Market, as it owns 31% of the m ...
Thu, 2020-04-02
An extravagant event was organized by Tsusho Jamjoom Company on January 2nd, 2020 in Crowne Plaza Jeddah hotel, with a distinguished presence of elite transportation customers in S ...
Wed, 2020-04-01
Trans Emarates is a well-known distributer of “Mehran” Spices in Saudi Arabia. The company has offices in Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam and Khamis Mushait. They are the ones responsib ...
Fri, 2020-01-17
The world of motorsports has recently achieved a great milestone with the launch of the world-famous Dakar Rally from January 5th to January 17th, 2020, for the very first time in ...